Bio Global Industries Hosts Successful Biomass Industry Event

28 March 2023

Last Week Bio Global Industries (BGI) hosted an informative and exciting Biomass Connect event for over 80 stakeholders from the biomass industry. The event featured a variety of activities, including talks, crop tours, and live demonstrations of biomass material processing.

Attendees were treated to a highly informative talk by Marton Nemeth of Silvanus Forestry, who spoke on the breeding of fast and straight growing locust (Robinia Pseudoacacia) varieties from Hungary. Additionally, guests were able to tour the BGI field, where they had an opportunity to see first-hand the biomass crop plantation, which included Willow, Eucalyptus, and Poplar crops.

The live demonstrations of biomass fiber processing into pellets and briquettes were a highlight of the event. Attendees also had an opportunity to see the boilers at BGI used to process various biomass materials.

Throughout the event, the Biomass Connect team engaged with attendees, discussing their interest in biomass crops and the current state of the biomass industry. The event proved to be a perfect networking opportunity, with many attendees arranging follow-up meetings.

Overall, the event was a great success, showcasing the latest developments and innovations in the biomass industry.

Keep an eye on the Biomass Connect news feed and social media accounts for more from the event. Here are just a few photos to give a flavour of the day. We’ll be publishing details of our next events soon.


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