Chesham, Buckinghamshire (BGI)

Flat or sloping fields situated 178 metres (583 feet) above sea level. Clay loam and flint soil. Existing 10-year old grown plantation of many species of willow, poplar and eucalyptus. Crops planted during spring 2023 include SRC willow, SRC and SRF poplar, Miscanthus, black locust, Eucalyptus and perennial grasses. Miscanthus Athena, reed canary grass, sida, Silphium and switchgrass were all planted in 2024. Updates on the progress and performance of these crops can be found below and in the news section.


Hunters Oak, Asheridge, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 2UU.

Latitude, longitude

51°44′18″N , 000°39′06″W

Grid ref


What 3 words ref entrance


Site Plans

BGI Site PlanBGI Soil Sample Locations


Mean Annual Precipitation (mm) Unknown.
Mean Annual Temperature (°C) Unknown.
Altitude 178 metres (583 feet).
Topography Flat or sloping.
Soil type Clay loam and flint.
Previous vegetation coverage Newly prepared area ready for planting Biomass Connect. (Other area is 10yr old grown plantation of many species of Willow, Poplar and Eucalyptus).
Other relevant site info  

Weather Data – Recorded On Site

The weather data presented here are direct from the sensors on the weather station. The data have not been checked and may be inaccurate and reprocessed in the future. Gaps may appear in the data due to issues such as failed sensors, corrupted data-logger programs and low power system voltages at the weather stations. The Biomass Connect project assumes no responsibility for the data presented or for any loss which may arise (directly or indirectly) from reliance on the data.

Weather Data – Recorded On Site

The weather data presented here are direct from the sensors on the weather station. The data have not been checked and may be inaccurate and reprocessed in the future. Gaps may appear in the data due to issues such as failed sensors, corrupted data-logger programs and low power system voltages at the weather stations. The Biomass Connect project assumes no responsibility for the data presented or for any loss which may arise (directly or indirectly) from reliance on the data.

Project plans/actions

Which biomass crops

Planted (as of October 2024)

  • SRC willow (6-way mixture) (~0.5 ha) – planted 27th April 2023
  • Miscanthus giganteus (~0.5 ha) – planted 3rd May 2023
  • Miscanthus ‘Athena’ (~0.5 ha) – planted 1th May 2024
  • SRC poplar (0.137 ha)​ – planted 6th April 2023
  • SRF poplar (0.125 ha)​ – planted 5th April 2023
  • SRF Eucalyptus (0.114 ha) – planted 5th April 2023
  • SRF alder (0.028 ha) – planted 5th April 2023
  • Black locust Turbo (0.017 ha) – planted 5th April 2023
  • Black locust Turbo Obelisk (0.017 ha) – planted 15th March 2024
  • Sida hermaphrodita (10.5 m x 7.7 m, 0.008 ha) – planted 2nd May 2024
  • Reed Canary Grass (10.5 m x 7.7 m, 0.008 ha)– planted 2nd May 2024
  • Switchgrass (upland ecotype)​ (10.5 m x 7.7 m, 0.008 ha) – planted 2nd May 2024
  • Silphium – planted 2nd May 2024
Planting goals/aim As above
Agronomic dates (planting, harvesting schedule) Planting target date late-March – mid-April 2023. Important so the crop can establish before the risk of drought.
Management methodology (spray off, nutrient additions, ploughing, site prep, others)

Spot treat any perennial weed issues from late spring 2022.

Soil sampling, adjusting pH, P and K indices if needed.

Subsoil site.

Glyphosate applied at 3-5l/ha 2 – 3 weeks prior cultivation to grass in late August / early September. Plough and till and drill winter wheat. Or establish hemp/arable rotation in the hemp area.

Glyphosate applied at 3-5l/ha in spring 2023 2 – 3 weeks prior planting to kill off the autumn sown cereal and any other weeds that have emerged during this period.

Planting target date late-March – mid-April. Important so the crop can establish before the risk of drought.

Depth of ploughing ~23 cm and dates when this work should be carried out.

Willow area within 1 week post planting, pre-emergent residual herbicides to be applied. These are important to keep the crop clean during the establishment phase. A mixture of pendimethalin (e.g. Stomp at 3.3 l/ha) and Isoxaben (e.g. Flexidor at 0.5l/ha) is effective. Avoid tank mixing as the chemicals may not be compatible.

There is vertebrate grazing pressure at the site, an electric fence will be erected until the treatments during establishment are complete, then a hard stand rabbit fence will be built around the trials.

Miscanthus spray 1.5 l/ha Stomp at pre-em stage

The electric fence line will be sprayed with glyphosate to ensure weed vegetation does not short it out. The fence will be inspected for efficacy during the regular monitoring (weekly from planting – July) of the trial during the establishment phase.

The trials should be monitored during the first year and any weed flushes should be controlled either mechanically or with herbicide treatments. Grass problems can be dealt with by a graminicide options include: Fluazifop-p-butyl (e.g. Fusilade at 1.5l/ha), cycloxidim (e.g. Laser at 2.5l/ha with oil) or propaquizafop (e.g. Falcon 1.4l/ha) in tree species. These should be avoided in Miscanthus / grass species.

Two applications of Dow Shield work well at controlling youngish thistles. First application at 0.25 litre/ha. Then a second application 3 weeks later at 0.5 litre/ha. Shield applications should be avoided on hot days (+~25oC) in willow.

The project agronomist will provide help and advice, but interrow spraying and moving / strimming may need to be done 3 times in the planting season.

The 5 sections of the hemp arable rotation area will need to be planted and cultivated as per the arable rotation.

Machinery to be used

Ride on Lawn mower – cutting grass.

Quad Bike for applying spot weeding glysophate.

Sub-Contractor with Tractor for ploughing, applying glysophate, subsoil, power harrow and planting seed.

Note: Currently requesting Hyundai Heavy Duty Self Propelled Petrol Wheeled Grass Trimmer £1k, Masser digital callipers, Masser Racal II BT (£2k for measurements), Secateurs, loppers etc.

General Info

Field management history

Over the last 8 years growing over 40 species of Willow, Poplar, Eucalyptus, Sida, etc. Currently using some willow for chipping and heating, also to clear corridors for Biomass Connect innovative machinery for testing/demonstrations for harvesting willow.

Areas designated to Biomass Connect are currently being prepared for planting, as above.

Other site detail of note

Working with Will MacAlpine, Rothamsted for field management for Biomass Connect.


Chesham Demonstrator Hub Update – September 2024
At the Chesham Demonstrator hub, most crops are progressing well, with SRF Alder and Poplar both in full leaf and looking healthy. Some maintenance activities, such as staking and weed control, have been completed for SRF Eucalyptus and SRC Willow, which is growing tall and vigorous. However, some challenges have been observed, including patchy germination in Reed Canary Grass and a weedy Silphium plot. Ongoing efforts include herbicide applications, mowing, and regular monitoring to manage these issues effectively.
Chesham Demonstrator Hub Update – July 2024
At the Chesham Demonstrator hub, most crops are progressing well, with SRF Alder and Poplar both in full leaf and looking healthy. Some maintenance activities, such as staking and weed control, have been completed for SRF Eucalyptus and SRC Willow, which is growing tall and vigorous. However, some challenges have been observed, including patchy germination in Reed Canary Grass and a weedy Silphium plot. Ongoing efforts include herbicide applications, mowing, and regular monitoring to manage these issues effectively.
Climate and Soil Data at the Biomass Connect Demonstrator Hubs
As with all crops, the success, failure and overall yield of biomass crops is dependent on the weather. That’s why we have weather stations and soil dataloggers recording climate and soil data at each of our demonstrator hubs
barriers for biomass products and end-uses
Added: 17th July 2024 Steve Hunt (Bio Global Industries Ltd.) discusses the barriers for biomass products and end-uses at the Biomass Connect Demonstration Event at the Newcastle Cockle Park Farm Demonstrator Hub.
Demonstrator Hub Update – BGI, Chesham – June 2024
It's been business as usual during June at the BGI Demonstrator Hub. All crops are now in full leaf and daily tasks are proceeding as planned. It was all hands on deck to plant 1104 willow rods at the beginning of the month.
First Demonstrator Hub Soil Data Published
The first soil dataset from across the eight Biomass Connect Demonstrator Hub sites has now been published. This dataset contains the baseline measurements of key soil properties, including carbon, bulk density and pH, which are critical to assess the impacts of biomass crops on soils through future repeat sampling.
Demonstrator Hub Update – BGI, Chesham – May 2024
Early summer has been a busy one at the BGI Demonstrator Hub. There has been lots of platning, lots of gapping up and the more established plots are growing well. Weeds and pests have been managed as well.
Demonstrator Hub Update – BGI, Chesham – April 2024
The BGI Demonstrator Hub in Chesham has been busy in April as Spring growth takes hold. Gapping up and preparing for the summer have been the main tasks.
Thrushes Nesting in Pollarded Poplar Trees at the BGI Demonstrator Hub
While performing a routine morning fence inspection an unexpected sight caught my attention – a bird gliding low towards the pollarded poplar trees...
Demonstrator Hub Update – BGI, Chesham – March 2024
The BGI Demonstrator Hub in Chesham has experienced lots of rain this month. This has hampered efforts to get onto the plots for planting, preparations and treatments but the crops continue to grow and will soon be in full leaf.
Demonstrator Hub Update – BGI, Chesham – February 2024
As with many of the other demonstrator hubs, the BGI site in Chesham has experienced some heavy frosts with temperatures dropping to -6ºC some nights. It has also seen several named storms over the winter which damaged some of the crops. The early part of 2024 was then very wet which has limited the amount of work that could be carried out at the site as access to the plots was limited due to the ground conditions.
Biomass Connect Hub Site Updates – November 2023
With Winter on its way, growth has all but stopped at the hub sites. So, rather than have an individual update for each Hub Site we have a quick round-up below along with some photos. Starting in the North and working our way south.
Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – October 2023
October 2023 BGI Hub Site weather in October Rainfall followed by 1ºC temperatures overnight. Average daily temps around 8ºC rising to 14ºC with cloud cover. Weed Control and Planting 30/09/23 […]
Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – September 2023
September 2023 BGI Hub Site weather in September First 2 weeks of high 20’s/low 30’s ºC. Third week we had rain most days and prevailing winds, temps 21 ºC. Last […]
Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – August2023
August 2023 Staff at BGI performed a comparison between the Black Locust Turbo planted for Biomass Connect against other projects on their site and believe that initial root growth may […]
Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – July 2023
July 2023 Staff at the BGI Hub Site have been taking the ‘Connect’ in Biomass Connect seriously during July by hosting a number of visitors and attending local shows. 4th […]
Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – June 2023
June 2023 1st June – Night Camera was installed to watch for any wildlife/biodiversity at the BGI/Biomass Connect Hub…. We have already seen Muntjac and Roe Deer, hares, rabbits and […]
Chiltern Area ‘Our Food Forum’ Visit BGI Hub Site
A Group of 12 stakeholders/landowners visited the Biomass Connect Hub Site at Bio Global Industries in Buckinghamshire earlier this week. The group was from the local Chiltern area ‘ Our Food Story’ who were interested in learning more about growing biomass crops.
Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – May 2023
April and May 2023 The team from Rothamsted Research arrived with planting material and with help from the team at BGI the planting was carried out during April 4th & […]
BGI Representing Biomass Connect at the Green Festival
Staff from our BGI Hub site attended their local 'Green Festival' at the Chiltern Open Air Museum last weekend, where they were representing Biomass Connect.
Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – March 2023
March 2023 – Overview of progress to date Remedial ground-work There was a bespoke plan for BGI as the site had not been in management for ~5 years and successional […]
SRC Willow Planting at BGI Hub Site
Last week, Energy Crops Consultancy (ECC) planted a 6-way mix of SRC willow at the BGI Hub Site. They used their 2-row planter which is perfect for smaller sites.
6-way mix of SRC Willow planted at BGI Hub Site
The planting continues at the Biomass Connect Hub Site. Last week, Energy Crops Consultancy (ECC) planted a 6-way-mix of SRC willow at the BGI Hub Site.
Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – February 2023
February 2023 Weather has been mild and dry, wetter weather is forecast. The fencing contractors have completed deer fencing. Willow and poplar harvesting, and data collection is ongoing (BioForce Lot […]
BGI Hub Site now Planted – April 2023
We’ve planted the BGI Hub Site with woody crops. Check out the video to see how it looks today.
The Planting Team in Full Flow
The Planting Team in Full Flow planting Poplar at the Biomass Connect BGI Hub Site.
Planting Black Locust
Planting Black Locust at the Biomass Connect BGI Hub Site
Planting Belgian Poplar Stems
Planting Belgian Poplar Stems at the Biomass Connect BGI Hub Site
Photos and Videos from the BGI Demo Event
Just a quick news post showcasing some of the photos and videos captured during the recent Biomass Connect Demo Event at the Bio Global Industries Hub Site.
Biomass Connect Demo Event at BioGlobal Industries
A few video clips to give you a taste of the Biomass Connect Demo Event at BioGlobal Industries on March 22nd 2023. The event featured a variety of activities, including […]
Black Locust Presentation – Márton Németh
Márton Németh talking about Black Locust as a biomass crop at the recent Biomass Connect Demo Event hosted by BioGlobal Industries.
Bio Global Industries Hosts Successful Biomass Industry Event
Bio Global Industries (BGI) hosted an informative and exciting event for over 80 stakeholders from the biomass industry. The event featured a variety of activities, including talks, crop tours, and live demonstrations of biomass material processing.
Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – January 2023
January 2023 Risk Assessments for grazing, browsing and crop damage threats were undertaken. Winter wheat has established well in the woody biomass crop areas. The site is in good order […]
Growers’ Stories: Steve and Matt Hunt, BGI
Interviews with Steve and Matt Hunt from the plantations at Bio Global Industries in Bucks. The farm has a 98 kW BioKompakt boiler and uses 80 tonnes of wood fuel […]
Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham
December 2022 Summer weed control, cultivation and drilling is complete. Winter wheat has established well in the woody biomass crop areas. Hedge cutting on the site is complete. Base line […]




51.709401 -0.612333 Chesham, UK