Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – October 2023

10 November 2023

October 2023

BGI Hub Site weather in October

  • Rainfall followed by 1ºC temperatures overnight.
  • Average daily temps around 8ºC rising to 14ºC with cloud cover.

Weed Control and Planting

30/09/23 – 01/10/23 – Planting reed canary grass, marking out plot for Silphium. Preparatory ploughing and power harrowing. Sowed AB8 Nectar Stewardship mix 2 acres.

02/10/23 – Mowed the whole area.

03/10/23 – Hand-sowed Silphium seeds in accordance with the protocol provided.

11/10/23 – Advised by Rothamsted Research to plant Brown mustard seeds in the prepared Miscanthus Athena plot

16/10/23 – Brown mustard seeds arrived.

17/10/23 – Brown mustard seeds planted by RW Agri Contractors.

The BGI Hub site also hosted DESNZ and Biomass Connect on an annual site visit on October 5th.

Read more about the Biomass Connect BGI Chesham Hub Site

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