Demonstrator Hub Updates – June 2024
July 18, 2024
0.5ha SRC Willow
The month of June has been another busy one at the Biomass Connect Demonstrator Hubs. Things have dried out so catching up with weeding, mowing and spraying has been possible at all sites. Sida, reed canary grass and switchgrass have been planted/sown in the perennial grasses demo plots. An SRF Italian poplar trial has been planted at the site in Ayrshire.
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Demonstrator Hub Updates
Demonstrator Hub Update – SRUC Boghall – June 2024
July 18, 2024
Most crops are growing well at the Boghall Demonstrator Hub. Some plots have a weed burden. Inter-row mowing and spraying is planned for July.
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Demonstrator Hub Updates
Demonstrator Hub Update – SRUC Auchincruive – June 2024
July 18, 2024
Drone shot of the site. Credit: P. Fruen (RRes Harpenden)
Most things are growing well, including the weeds. June has been a busy month which included a visit from the Rothamsted Research team to plant the sida plug plants and the Italian SRF poplar plot
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Demonstrator Hub Updates
Demonstrator Hub Update – NIAB, Headley Hall – June 2024
July 17, 2024
Sida planting
Most crops are now growing well at the Headley Hall Demonstrator Hub.
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Demonstrator Hub Updates
Demonstrator Hub Update – Rothamsted Research – North Wyke – June 2024
July 17, 2024
Things are finally drying out at North Wyke with the warm but not unseasonable weather. It has been dry, the ground is now hard and we've been able to access the site with machinery to cut the long grass.
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Demonstrator Hub Updates
Demonstrator Hub Update – Newcastle University Cockle Park Farm – June 2024
July 10, 2024
Black Locust 'Turbo'- Slug trails
Gapping up, planting and weeding have been the main activities at Cockle Park Farm this month and things are looking good.
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Demonstrator Hub Updates
Demonstrator Hub Update – IBERS, Aberystwyth – June 2024
July 10, 2024
SRF Eucalyptus at IBERS, June 2024
It's been business as usual at the IBERS Demonstrator Hub in Aberystwyth. Most plots are looking good and we are up to date with the various planned tasks.
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Demonstrator Hub Updates
Demonstrator Hub Update – AFBI, Hillsborough – June 2024
July 10, 2024
0.5ha SRC Willow at AFBI, June 2024
The site at AFBI has been looking great during June as it has been prepped for the Biomass Connect Demo Day. The cold wet Spring continues, but most crops are growing well. Two varieties of Hemp have been planted this month.
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Demonstrator Hub Updates
Demonstrator Hub Update – BGI, Chesham – June 2024
July 09, 2024
AB8 Nectar Stewardship wildflower mix
It's been business as usual during June at the BGI Demonstrator Hub. All crops are now in full leaf and daily tasks are proceeding as planned. It was all hands on deck to plant 1104 willow rods at the beginning of the month.
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Demonstrator Hub Updates
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