Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – May 2023

13 July 2023

April and May 2023

  • The team from Rothamsted Research arrived with planting material and with help from the team at BGI the planting was carried out during April 4th & 5th.
  • The planting was timed perfectly with rain forecast for the following 7 days.
  • The Ops Manager at BGI cut back the black locust stems on April 6th as per instructions to encourage stronger root growth.
  • The BGI team installed tree guards during the week commencing 17th April.
  • The Deer/Rabbit fence perimeter was sprayed with glyphosate to keep weeds under control.
  • Grass cutting – cuts have been made all the way around the perimeter of the deer fence.
  • Checks on the fence have shown badgers burying under the fence in two places. Also, note has been made of badgers tearing up the grass in the field opposite.
  • New shoots are appearing on poplar planted on 5th
  • 27th April 2023 – SRC Willow planting. The land was prepared by power-harrowing by a sub-contractor prior to planting. The planting was carried out by Energy Crops Consultancy.

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