Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – February 2023

26 April 2023

February 2023

  • Weather has been mild and dry, wetter weather is forecast.
  • The fencing contractors have completed deer fencing.
  • Willow and poplar harvesting, and data collection is ongoing (BioForce Lot 1 with Kevin Lindegaard)
  • Unfortunately, a badger has tunnelled under the deer fencing, but the good news is we will not have to install a badger gate.
  • The second half of the hedge cutting is underway.
  • We have harvested the Sida rhizomes from an extremely flinty clay area and have been picked up, these will be used to plant sida demo plots at the hub sites.
  • Matthew and Helen attended the Low Carbon Agricultural Show in early Feb, where BGI attended meetings and met the Biomass Connect team from Aberystwyth University.
  • We are busy tidying the field margins and gateways ahead of the field-to-fire demo event on the 22nd of March.
  • Radio articles were organised by BGI with BBC Three counties interviewing Steve Hunt from BGI and Will Macalpine from Rothamsted.

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