Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – June 2023

15 August 2023

June 2023

  • 1st June – Night Camera was installed to watch for any wildlife/biodiversity at the BGI/Biomass Connect Hub…. We have already seen Muntjac and Roe Deer, hares, rabbits and a badger. All of these were spotted in the already established BGI plantations, not inside the Biomass Connect site.
  • Regular perimeter walks have been undertaken to check for rabbits burying underneath the fence. Repairs have been made as required, to minimise any damage.
  • 7th June – A Campbell Scientific Automatic Weather station was installed. Unfortunately, the ground was too dry and hard to install the 3 TOMST sensors, these will be installed once conditions allow.
  • 14th June – Miscanthus Athena rhizomes arrived. The Miscanathus rhizomes were planted with tractor/machinery provided by a BGI sub-contractor.
  • 27th June – Staff from Rothamsted Research, with help from BGI staff, planted ‘Sida’ rhizomes. Despite the dry/hard ground circa. 200 rhizomes were planted, luckily it rained a few days later.
  • Most of the planting that has been undertaken to date is doing well despite the lack of rain this month.
  • BGI Staff attended the REA Awards to collect the Pioneer Award won by Biomass Connect.

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