Biomass Connect Demo Events

27 July 2023

We’re excited about the upcoming demos events that we have scheduled. They cover a range of biomass related topics and will be taking place across the country. Here’s a map of where we’ll be and a list of demo event dates so that you can plan ahead.

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More Demo Events

If those aren’t enough, we’re currently working on more events for 2023 so keep an eye on your emails and the Biomass Connect Events Calendar for the latest details.
Demo Events Calendar

Eveyone Welcome…

These events are open to everyone and are free to attend. So if you are a grower, land-owner, biomass consumer, researcher or interested in any part of the biomass strategy, biomass industry or sustainability in the UK then we’d love to see you. Registration is free and easy, just visit the ‘What’s on‘ section of the Biomass Connect website, pick the demo event you’d like to attend and register there.

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