Demonstrator Hub Update – SRUC Boghall – February 2024

20 March 2024

February 2024 – SRUC Boghall Demonstrator Hub Update

Bog Hall Farm Site Plan

Bog Hall Farm Site Plan

Scotland experienced some well-documented extreme weather at the beginning of the year with both of our SRUC demonstrator hubs suffering from Storm Henk and Isha. Despite the damage there are now signs of hope in most plots and work has commenced with spraying and planning for 2024.


Crop Diaries

Click on the titles below to find out how each of the crops are progressing.


  • Dead trees were removed and replanted with new ones. Some which were thought to be dead were in fact still alive. These have been given new tree guards and we will keep checking on them.
  • Storm casualties have been propped back up again and some bamboo canes and tree guards replaced.
  • Some buds were visible in January but they haven’t done much since.
  • The plot was gapped up on 31st January.

Black Locust

There was no storm damage to the SRF Black Locust ‘Turbo’ and all trees are still upright.

Some of the SRF Black Locust ‘Turbo Obelisk’ were snapped in the winds but most seemed to have survived the ordeal.


There was quite a bit of heavy storm damage to the SRF Euclayptus at the Boghall site. Bamboo canes were replaced where needed and tree guards were replaced where it was possible to do so without damaging the trees further. The damaged trees were propped back up but the plot looks a little beaten up and there is also some frost damage.


The storms caused quite a lot of damage within the SRF Poplar plot. One Vestern variety and four of the A4A variety plants were completely snapped. Tree guards have been replaced where possible and trees have been propped back up. They are now looking good and are very uniform.

There was no obvious storm damage in the SRC Poplar plot and some buds are visible.


The 0.5ha Miscanthus Giganteus plot had a few grass weeds visible but the plot was sprayed on 26th February and topped on 27th February. There was no green Miscanthus growth and no hare damage visible. It looks quite patchy but that is probably just due to senescence as it didn’t look patchy when green and lush.

The 2023 Miscanthus variety trial had no signs of storm damage and was topped on 27th February. It now needs inter-row spraying soon.



The has been no obvious signs of storm damage in either the SRC willow or the willow variety trial. Small catkins were beginning to appear in January and both now look good with some bud burst and lots of catkins.

The SRC willow needs inter-row weed control soon and we are hoping to arrange harvesting of the variety trial in Mid March.



The Sida is not looking good, it looks dead and there are concerns that it won’t regrow.

Reed Canary Grass

The Reed Canary Grass plot area was sprayed on 26th February ready for the start of the grasses trial.


The Switchgrass plot area was sprayed on 26th February ready for the start of the grasses trial.

Plans and Actions

  • Everything that needed glyphosate spraying has been sprayed (26th Feb 2024) except the Black Locust which will be sprayed soon.
  • Silphium and Reed Canary Grass seed is on site but not yet sown.
  • We are scheduling a date for the willow variety trial harvest.
  • A Demo Day is planned for later in the year.

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