Exhibition Showcases Stunning Artwork Created from Miscanthus Paper

01 August 2023

Research scientists from the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) collaborated with Aberystwyth Printmakers to curate an extraordinary exhibition featuring diverse artwork printed on Miscanthus paper. Miscanthus grass sourced from its native countries in Asia, is typically cultivated as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, and used for producing heat, power, and various high-value products. However, this exhibition introduced an innovative aspect to the utility of Miscanthus – as a medium for papermaking and art. The collaborative effort of the scientists and artists resulted in paper from Miscanthus and generated some really beautiful art and prints on the Miscanthus paper.

The exhibition was a display of exquisite artwork printed on Miscanthus paper. Members of the community, including printmakers, artists, and scientists, gathered to witness the impressive combination of art and science and to learn about printmaking, papermaking, and the application of calligraphy on Miscanthus paper.

Dr. Kerrie Farrar (Program lead, IBERS) said:

“we have all come together and learned a little bit more about printmaking and papermaking from Miscanthus paper. We are hoping to experiment further with making ink from Miscanthus or maybe even other plants.”

Watch the video showcasing the story of this unique collaboration and exhibition below.

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