Growers Wanted for Defra Miscanthus Biodiversity Study

23 March 2023

The UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH) and Fera are looking for Miscanthus growers who are willing to take part in a Defra Biodiversity project.

Defra wants to see the impacts of different headland management options with Miscanthus.

Ideally, UKCEH and Fera are looking for a range of different headland management within one site or in sites that are geographically close together so they can make comparisons between them. They don’t all need to be in one place, and can have a number of these sites/site groups across the country.

If you are interested, at this stage, details of the location of your farm and the type of management you have in place are needed only. Please contact Dr Rebecca Rowe, Land Use & Bioenergy Scientist at UKCEH, by emailing [email protected].

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