Hub Site Update – SRUC Edinburgh – March 2023

04 May 2023

March 2023 – Overview of progress to date

Remedial ground-work

The arable site was in good condition. Baseline sampling took place after the spring OSR harvest and no specific remedial work was required at the site.

Fencing to protect planting where required

Temporary electric fences will be sufficient to protect the new plantings at this site. Grazer pressure is low.

Standard autumn ground preparation

Once baseline sampling was complete, the site received a glyphosate application to kill OSR volunteers. All areas were then ploughed. Areas for Miscanthus and other energy grasses were left in plough over winter. Areas for woody species were power-harrowed and perennial rye grass (PRG) was established.

Spring ground preparation

The site was monitored over winter and in February and March the following was reported:

  • The weather has been quite wet, but the site isn’t too boggy.
  • No external factors to report.
  • No Deer/Vertebrate grazing has been observed. No obvious footprints or tracks have been noticed.
  • The site was successfully sprayed in March.
  • pH, Phosphate and Potassium levels were all within the intended ranges. No amendments were required at the site.

Read more about the Biomass Connect SRUC Edinburgh Hub Site

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