Supergen Bioenergy Hub Announces Flexible Funding Call for Biomass-to-Bio-Based Products Research

23 May 2024

Supergen Bioenergy HubThe Supergen Bioenergy Hub has launched its first flexible funding call aimed at advancing research in the conversion of biomass to bio-based products. This initiative seeks to support innovative projects that can contribute significantly to the development and commercialisation of sustainable bioenergy solutions.

The funding call is open to researchers and organisations across the UK, encouraging collaborative efforts that leverage cutting-edge science and technology to transform biomass into valuable bio-based products. These products include biofuels, biochemicals, and biomaterials, which are essential in reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimising environmental impact.

Proposals are invited from diverse fields of research, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the bioenergy sector. Successful projects will receive financial support of up to £50,000 to explore innovative approaches, optimise processes, and address technical challenges associated with biomass conversion.

Key objectives of the funding call include:

  • Innovative processes for conversion of biomass into bio-based chemicals and materials
  • Development of biorefinery processes or integration of biomass conversion technologies with existing industrial systems
  • Evaluation of the economic viability and scalability of biomass-based production processes, considering factors such as feedstock availability, production costs, and market demand
  • Evaluation and optimisation of the sustainability and environmental impacts of bio-based chemicals and materials and their production at scale
  • Optimisation of biomass to chemicals process efficiency, to enhance resource utilisation throughout the value chain.

The deadline for proposal submissions is June 30th, 2024. Applicants are encouraged to submit projects that demonstrate strong potential for real-world impact and scalability. Detailed guidelines and application forms are available on the Supergen Bioenergy Hub’s official website.

This funding call represents a significant opportunity for the UK research community to contribute to global bioenergy advancements. As the world seeks sustainable alternatives to traditional energy sources, initiatives like this are vital in fostering innovation and driving the bioeconomy forward.

About Supergen Bioenergy Hub

The Supergen Bioenergy Hub works with academia, industry, government and societal stakeholders to develop sustainable bioenergy systems that support the UK’s transition to an affordable, resilient, low-carbon energy future. This is supported through the Hub’s whole system research approach that encompasses all aspects of bioenergy expertise to identify pathways for delivering bioenergy with wider social, economic and environmental benefits.

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