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These technical articles, factsheets and case studies provide robust, independent information on biomass feedstock performance, agronomy, economics and environmental benefits, to facilitate discussion and learning regarding the biomass sector.

Presentation: Prof. Yit Arn Teh, Multifunctional Landscapes, Biomass Crops and End-uses
Slides from Prof. Yit Arn Teh's informative talk on multifunctional landscapes, biomass crops, and end-uses. His talk focused on how to design farms that are multifunctional, and the benefits and trade-offs of multifunctional landscapes.
Type: Presentation
Author: Prof. Yit Arn Teh
Date: July 2024
Crop: All Biomass Crops
Keywords: Biomass Connect
Presentation: Jeanette Whitaker, Newcastle Demo Event
At our Newcastle Demo Event on 3rd July 2024, Prof. Jeanette Whitaker, project lead for Biomass Connect gave an overview of the Biomass Connect project, emphasising the need for more homegrown biomass feedstock for renewable energy for heat, power and transport, and other end-uses.
Type: Presentation
Author: Prof. Jeanette Whitaker
Date: July 2024
Crop: All Biomass Crops
Keywords: Biomass Connect
Presentation: NIAB Demo Event, The logic and benefits behind the rural payments for biodiversity
Slides from a recent Biomass Connect presentation by Dr. Rebecca Rowe (UKCEH) presented at the NIAB Headley Hall Demonstrator Hub on 16th May 2024 as part of the Biomass Connect demo event. The presentation outlines the SFI Biodiversity Scheme
Type: Presentation
Author: Dr Rebecca Rowe
Date: May 2024
Crop: All Biomass Crops
Keywords: Biodiversity, SFI
Presentation: NIAB Demo Event, Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from EU farming
Slides from a recent Biomass Connect presentation by Judith Ford (University of Leeds) presented at the NIAB Headley Hall Demonstrator Hub on 16th May 2024 as part of the Biomass Connect demo event.
Type: Presentation
Author: Judith Ford
Date: May 2024
Crop: All Biomass Crops
Keywords: Greenhouse gas emissions, farming
Presentation: NIAB Demo Event, SFI Schemes and Biodiversity.
Slides from a recent Biomass Connect presentation by Mark Needham presented at the NIAB Headley Hall Demonstrator Hub on 16th May 2024 as part of the Biomass Connect demo event.
Type: Presentation
Author: Mark Needham
Date: May 2024
Crop: All Biomass Crops
Keywords: Biomass Connect
Presentation: Crops to Products
Slides from a recent Biomass Connect presentation about the potential end-uses of biomass crops. By Jeanette Whitaker from the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
Type: Presentation
Author: Jeanette Whitaker
Date: December 2023
Crop: All Biomass Crops
Keywords: Biomass Crops, Uses, Products, End Uses, Environmental Uses

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