Planting at the North Wyke Hub Site
April 28, 2023

The flurry of planting at the various Biomass Connect hub sites continues. We’ve already reported on the planting at the BGI Hub site in Chesham and the IBERS hub site in Aberystwyth. We’re pleased to report that the hand-planting of trees at the Rothamsted Research hub site in North Wyke has been completed this week too.

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Planting at the IBERS Hub Site, Aberystwyth
April 27, 2023

Over 2000 trees and cuttings planted by hand in a single day – a record so far for the #BiomassConnect hub sites, and these numbers don’t include the Miscanthus that was planted first.

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Biomass Connect Hub Site Updates – February 2023
April 26, 2023
Biomass Connect Hub Site Updates

Biomass Connect has now collated the February 2023 updates from most of our Hub Sites. We have published these within the Hub Site Updates and they can also be accessed […]

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Hub Site Update – SRUC Edinburgh – February 2023
Winter wheat establishment

February 2023 The weather has been quite wet, but the site isn’t too boggy. We expect to be able to get on to spray in the next couple of weeks. […]

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Hub Site Update – SRUC Ayrshire – February 2023
Waterlogging on North side (looking South)

February 2023 It has been extremely wet. So wet, the ground is almost like quick mud. Nearly lost a welly! It will be several weeks before it has a chance […]

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Biomass Connect will be at the EIPWales event – Gregynog Hall 5th May

Biomass Connect team members will be at the upcoming European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Wales and Farming Connect event: Welsh Farmers – Embracing New Ideas. EIP Wales have funded 46 on-farm projects […]

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Hub Site Update – AFBI Hillsborough – February 2023

February 2023 We have sprayed the grass with glyphosate, where there was multispecies sward, we’ve sprayed with Glyphosate and Doxstar. We are looking to plough and cultivate next week to […]

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Hub Site Update – Rothamsted Research – North Wyke – February 2023
Macalpine and Flannery calibrating GPS device (Dartmoor in the background)

February 2023 Extending the plough area for miscanthus varieties experiment guards. Not done yet. Ground conditions are improving by the day so possibly next week. Spraying. Still too cold. Will […]

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Hub Site Update – BGI Chesham – February 2023
Existing SRF Poplar plantation at BGI (looking east onto hub site)

February 2023 Weather has been mild and dry, wetter weather is forecast. The fencing contractors have completed deer fencing. Willow and poplar harvesting, and data collection is ongoing (BioForce Lot […]

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Hub Site Updates – IBERS Aberystwyth – February 2023
Figure 1 Field 1 IBERS

February 2023 The trial areas for the grass species that were left as furrows have dried well and should easily be workable by April assuming we don’t get significant unexpected […]

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