First Demonstrator Hub Soil Data Published
June 27, 2024
Coring equipment and bagged sample at a sampling location at the BGI Demonstrator Hub site.

The first soil dataset from across the eight Biomass Connect Demonstrator Hub sites has now been published. This dataset contains the baseline measurements of key soil properties, including carbon, bulk density and pH, which are critical to assess the impacts of biomass crops on soils through future repeat sampling.

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Demonstrator Hub Updates – May 2024
SRF Poplar

The month of May has seen much activity at the Biomass Connect Demonstrator hubs. The very wet spring months have had an effect on pretty much all 8 sites but things are drying out everywhere now with the approach of summer. Sites such as North Wyke in Devon and Cockle Park Farm in Northumberland have only recently been able to get machinery on the land. Weed control has been a very difficult task for all demonstrator hub managers, some sites have been worse than others.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – IBERS, Aberystwyth – May 2024
June 26, 2024
Miscanthus giganteus

Summer is in evidence in the plots at Aberystwyth. Sowing of the grasses has taken place and the various trees are growing well in the most part. Frost damage from the winter has been overcome and gapping up completed. Some crops aren’t faring so well though.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – Rothamsted Research – North Wyke – May 2024

Things are finally drying out at North Wyke and the ground has just become accessible to machinery. The plots are something of a mixed bag. Some are doing really well, others have a heavy weed burden and some have failed in part.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – SRUC Boghall – May 2024

Inter-row spraying and gapping up have been the main activities at the SRUC Boghall Demonstrator Hub in Edinburgh this May. The plots are looking good.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – SRUC Auchincruive – May 2024
SRC Willow

Inter-row spraying has been the main activity at the SRUC Auchincruive Demonstrator Hub in Ayrshire this May. The plots are looking good.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – BGI, Chesham – May 2024
Digging holes with auger for sida planting

Early summer has been a busy one at the BGI Demonstrator Hub. There has been lots of platning, lots of gapping up and the more established plots are growing well. Weeds and pests have been managed as well.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – Newcastle University Cockle Park Farm – May 2024
June 25, 2024

Summer is arriving at Cockle Park Farm and most of the crops are growing well. The weather has been mainly cloudy with some sunshine and some rain. We’ve had moderate temperatures and moderate rainfall.

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REA Wood Heat Forum Releases Air Quality Leaflet
June 20, 2024

The Renewable Energy Association (REA) has unveiled a new air quality leaflet developed by the Wood Heat Forum. This initiative addresses concerns about emissions from biomass boilers, highlighting their role in decarbonising the heat sector while maintaining low emissions.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – NIAB, Headley Hall – May 2024
Sida planting

Most crops are now growing well at the Headley Hall Demonstrator Hub. As the weather improves and the days lengthen growth rates increase in both the crops and the weeds and grass. We’ve been keeping on top of these. The Sida plot was also planted at the beginning of May.

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