May 2024 – IBERS, Aberystwyth Demonstrator Hub Update
Summer is in evidence in the plots at Aberystwyth. Sowing of the grasses has taken place and the various trees are growing well in the most part. Frost damage from the winter has been overcome and gapping up completed. Some crops aren’t faring so well though.
Crop Diaries
Click on the titles below to find out how each of the crops are progressing.
- The missing plants in the SRF alder plot have been replanted.
- Paths in the plot have been mown to control the grass.
- Alder
Black Locust
- There have been some over-winter losses in the SRF black locust ‘Turbo’ plot. 88 plants in the plot have no leaves and a few others have very limited growth with only a couple of leaves per plant. Grass paths have been mown and the area around each plant will be sprayed to remove the grass.
- The SRF black locust ‘Turbo Obelisk’ was replanted in mid-April. However, to date, there is no growth from any of the plants.
- Black locust ‘Turbo’ at Aberystwyth, May 2024
- Black locust ‘Turbo Obelisk’ at Aberystwyth, May 2024
- All plants appear to have recovered from any frost/wind damage during the winter.
- Gaps in the plot have been replanted.
- Eucalyptus. Aberystwyth, May 2024
- Gaps in the SRF poplar plot have been replanted. All whips that were replanted have leaves and are growing.
- Gaps in the SRC poplar plot have also been replanted.
- SRC Poplar
- SRF Poplar
- An application of glyphosate in March has controlled a majority of the grass weeds in the 0.5 ha Miscanthus giganteus plot. There are a few broadleaf weeds emerging, but these are not competitive with the crop. Currently the crop is knee-high, and the canopy is beginning to close.
- The Miscanthus Athena ™ plants are beginning to emerge since being replanted. There is a large amount of broadleaf weed seedlings that have germinated in last 10 days and the plot will be sprayed next week.
- The 2023 Miscanthus variety trial plants are growing well. Some plots will require an application of a broadleaf herbicide to control weed growth.
- The 2024 Miscanthus variety trial plants from rhizome-based varieties are beginning to emerge. There is a large amount of broadleaf weed seedlings that have germinated in the last 10 days and the plot will be sprayed next week.
- Miscanthus Athena
- Miscanthus giganteus
- Inter-rows have been mown to control weeds such as grasses in preparation for gap filling in the 0.5 ha SRC willow plot. One variety show signs of suspected fungal infection. However, although there are some signs of disease there’s new growth at the tips of the stems.
- The SRC willow variety trial plot is to be replanted and has been cleared in preparation. Grass in between rows has been controlled through a combination of spraying and mowing.
- Willow variety trial
- SRC Willow Fungal infection on one variety
- The Sida plot has been planted.
- The plants have acclimatised to the field but have not grown significantly since planting.
Reed Canary Grass
- The reed canary grass plot has been sown but to date there is no germination.
- The switchgrass plot has been sown but to date there is no germination.
- The Silphium plot has been sown but to date there is no germination.