June 2024 – SRUC Auchincruive Demonstrator Hub Update
At the Ayrshire Demonstrator Hub site, the biomass crops are generally progressing well, with species like SRF Alder, Poplar, and SRC Willow showing healthy growth and minimal pest or disease issues. However, some challenges such as rust on SRF Alder, insect damage, and weed presence, particularly in Miscanthus and Sida plots, require ongoing management to maintain crop health. Overall, the site is on track, but continuous monitoring and targeted interventions will be key to addressing these specific concerns.
Crop Diaries
Click on the titles below to find out how each of the crops are progressing.
- The SRF Alder trees are growing well.
- A small amount of rust has been observed.
- Some insect damage in the form of small leaf nibbles have also been seen.
- Necrosis on alder
- Shotholes on alder
Black Locust
- Some of the SRF black locust ‘Turbo’ trees have been strimmer damaged. Those which were strimmer damaged are alive, but are looking lighter in colour than others. The others are growing well. Windrock/damage data was taken on 18th July.
- The SRF black locust ‘Turbo Obelisk’ plot was strimmed on 18th July and windrock/damage data was also recorded.
- Black Locust at Ayrshire, July 2024
- Damaged black locust, Ayrshire, July 2024
- Damaged black locust, Ayrshire, July 2024
- Black aphids have been seen on the SRF Eucalyptus, but there is no obvious evidence of insect damage.
- Inter-row spraying is planned for the week beginning 5th August.
- Guards and were stakes fixed on 16th July following storm damage.
- Eucalyptus, Ayrshire, July 2024
- Eucalyptus, Ayrshire, July 2024
- Eucalyptus, Ayrshire, July 2024
- The SRF poplar and SRC poplar trees are tall and look healthy. Inter-row spraying is planned for both plots during the week beginning 5th August.
- The Italian poplar plot was inter-row mowed on 16th July. There are groundsel and fat hen weeds present. Inter-row spraying is planned for the week beginning 5th August.
- Italian Poplar at Ayrshire, July 2024
- Italian Poplar buds
- SRF Poplar
- SRC Poplar
- The 0.5 ha Miscanthus giganteus is growing very well and is tall and bushy. Some thistles are visible, these will need hand rogueing. It is too tall for post-emergence herbicide application.
- The 0.5 ha Miscanthus Athena™ was re-planted on the 16th of May. Some new growth visible but it is still a bit small. Post emergence herbicide was applied on 4th July (Harmony SX @ 80 g/ha + Starane @ 0.6 l/ha).
- Miscanthus Athena™
- Miscanthus Athena™
- Miscanthus giganteus
- Miscanthus giganteus
- The 0.5 ha SRC willow is looking very green, tall and leafy! Lots of rows are close to canopy closure.
- No new insect damage has been observed.
- No rust observed.
- SRC Willow at Ayrshire, July 2024
- SRC Willow at Ayrshire, July 2024
- Willow canopy
- The sida was planted on 11th of June.
- The plot is very weedy with fat hen.
- Most plants are looking healthy.
- Hand rogueing planned for the week of 5th August.
- Sida at Ayrshire, July 2024
- Sida at Ayrshire, July 2024
Reed Canary Grass
- The reed canary grass was sown on 18th June.
- Fat hen weeds are visible.
- Emergence is difficult to determine.
- Switchgrass/reed canary grass area
- The switchgrass was sown on 18th June.
- Fat hen weeds are visible.
- Emergence is difficult to determine.
- Switchgrass/reed canary grass area