Biomass Connect at the Agroforestry Show

12 September 2023

Biomass Connect had two eventful days at the agroforestry show, where we actively engaged with numerous individuals, companies and organisations who shared a keen interest in biomass agroforestry. Our project partners’ enthusiastic presence at our booth was welcomed, as they offered their unwavering support, interacted with visitors, and addressed inquiries pertaining to the integration of biomass crops into farming systems.

During the event, we were fortunate to have Chris Johnson (representing AFBI) and Kevin Lindegaard (from Crops for Energy) deliver enlightening presentations. They underscored the numerous advantages of incorporating biomass crops into agroforestry systems, emphasizing key benefits such as enhancing biodiversity, offering shelter, sequestering soil carbon, establishing riparian buffers, and mitigating flood risks.

The agroforestry show itself was a bustling hub of activity, featuring a diverse array of speakers, guided farm tours, exhibitions, live demonstrations, and a lively after-party. It was truly gratifying to connect with so many like-minded individuals. If you happened to miss this event, don’t worry! Keep an eye on our social media accounts, news feeds, and events calendar for information about our demonstration events. Stay tuned for more details on these exciting upcoming opportunities.

See you at one of our demo events.

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