Scottish Government Releases Draft Bioenergy Policy Statement for Public Feedback
March 21, 2024

In a bid to advance sustainable energy practices, the Scottish Government has unveiled a draft policy statement on bioenergy, inviting public input to shape future strategies.

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Demonstrator Hub Updates – Feb 2024
March 20, 2024
SRC Willow

The main story is one of the signs of Spring and recovery after the ravages of winter storms, water-logged and very wet conditions and the occasional heavy frost. Check out the winners and losers and see how things have fared differently across the country in the latest round of Demonstrator Hub updates. For ease of access here are links to the latest updates.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – AFBI, Hillsborough – February 2024
M. Athena

Generally across the AFBI site things have been looking healthy whilst dormant over the winter. Some things are showing really good growth and now that Spring is approaching there are signs of life everywhere.

The site is still very wet, and the land cannot be accessed by machinery until a significant drying period.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – IBERS, Aberystwyth – February 2024
Miscanthus Giganteus

Generally across the IBERS site things have been looking healthy whilst dormant over the winter. Conditions have been very wet except during cold snaps when it has been below freezing.

There has been some rabbit damage to certain crops and wind damage to others.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – SRUC Auchincruive – February 2024
Windswept Eucalyptus

Scotland experienced some well-documented extreme weather at the beginning of the year with both of our SRUC demonstrator hubs suffering from Storm Henk and Isha. Despite the damage there are now signs of hope in most plots and work has commenced with spraying and planning for 2024.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – SRUC Boghall – February 2024
Wind beaten Eucalyptus

Scotland experienced some well-documented extreme weather at the beginning of the year with both of our SRUC demonstrator hubs suffering from Storm Henk and Isha. Despite the damage there are now signs of hope in most plots and work has commenced with spraying and planning for 2024.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – BGI, Chesham – February 2024
Sub Contractor trimming the hedges away from Deer fencing

As with many of the other demonstrator hubs, the BGI site in Chesham has experienced some heavy frosts with temperatures dropping to -6ºC some nights. It has also seen several named storms over the winter which damaged some of the crops. The early part of 2024 was then very wet which has limited the amount of work that could be carried out at the site as access to the plots was limited due to the ground conditions.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – NIAB, Headley Hall – February 2024
March 15, 2024
Misc Variety trial

The Headley Hall site has experienced some high winds over the winter, along with very wet conditions similar to those experienced at other demonstrator hubs. Generally things have been looking good during these dormant months and signs of Spring are now starting to become evident within some of the crops.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – Newcastle University Cockle Park Farm – February 2024
An aisle between the plots at Cockle Park Farm

The winter at Cockle Park Farm has been a very wet one with the occasional cold snap and frosts. Most things seem to be coping well with these frosts. General maintenance has been the order of the day during the dormant period with regular checks of the fencing and updates to the electric fence batteries. No spraying has been carried out and the ground has been too wet throughout for any machinery. The headlands have been sown with a grass/clover mix.

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Demonstrator Hub Update – Rothamsted Research – North Wyke – February 2024
March 14, 2024
Black Locust 'Turbo'

Generally across the North Wyke site things have been looking healthy whilst dormant over the winter. Conditions have been very wet except during cold snaps when it has been below freezing. Given the cold conditions, it could be likely that some of the less hardy varieties may not have survived.

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