With the buds beginning to break at some of the Biomass Connect Demonstrator Hubs, it’s time for the first updates of the year. As we go into the second year of growth there should be lots to report on so we hope to bring you monthly updates once again. With a new look for the updates there’s plenty to catch up on despite the fact that it’s been winter so the crops have been dormant.
The main story is one of the signs of Spring and recovery after the ravages of winter storms, water-logged and very wet conditions and the occasional heavy frost. Check out the winners and losers and see how things have fared differently across the country in the latest round of Demonstrator Hub updates. For ease of access here are links to the latest updates.
Demonstrator Hub Updates February 2024
- AFBI Hillsborough
- SRUC (Ayrshire)
- SRUC (Edinburgh)
- North Wyke
- NIAB Headley Hall
- Newcastle University
- IBERS, Aberystwyth
Stay tuned for more updates throughout 2024 and watch the crops grow. We also had lots a photos from the various demonstrator hubs, here are just a selection of them.
- AFBI, Hillsborough
- SRC Willow
- SRF Poplar
- SRC Willow variety trial
- Misc var trial 2023
- M. Athena
- Tractor spraying Miscanthus MxG and surrounds
- Wind beaten Eucalyptus
- Sub Contractor trimming the hedges away from Deer fencing
- Eucalyptus at Cockle Park Farm, February 2024
- Wet conditions on the SRF Eucalyptus plot at Cockle Park Farm
- Misc 0.5ha
- Miscanthus Giganteus
- Alder