Here in West Devon the first half of May was cool and damp. Spring arrived mid-Month, and the ground at North Wyke Farm quickly began to crack, as the partially waterlogged clay dried and baked hard in places, hard enough at last to get the tractor into the field without wrecking the soil structure.

Biomass Connect team members will be attending the upcoming Cereals Event on Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th June.

The Biomass Connect team recently visited the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment Facility (BIFoR FACE) at Staffordshire. A research facility investigating the impact of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide on forests. This research facility is dedicated to understanding how forests respond to the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Biomass Connect is intending to exhibit at three prominent upcoming events in the agricultural industry. The organisation will be showcasing its information and services at the highly anticipated Cereals Event, the renowned Royal Welsh Agricultural Show, and the prestigious Agroforestry Show.

Biomass Connect team members recently visited Western Bio-Energy in Port Talbot South Wales, to find out more about this dynamic biomass-to-energy generation plant.

Biomass Connect has now collated the March 2023 updates from most of our Hub Sites. The reports this month include an overview of progress to date at each site along […]

March 2023 – Overview of progress to date Remedial ground-work The arable site was in good condition. Baseline sampling took place after the winter wheat harvest and no specific remedial […]

March 2023 – Overview of progress to date Remedial ground-work There was a bespoke plan for BGI as the site had not been in management for ~5 years and successional […]

March 2023 – Overview of progress to date Remedial ground-work The grassland site was in good condition ahead of taking management control in the summer. Grazing of the grassland continued […]